Safer Cliffs Australia

Safer Cliffs Victoria
Safer Cliffs Queensland
Bolt Types
How To Bolt
Replacement Tips
Bad Bolt Photos
Australian Rebolting Network

Contact Safer Cliffs Australia

Message src_rebolting on Instagram who should be able to point you in the right direction.

Message src_rebolting on Instagram to report bad bolts, request equipment or help with fundraising.

QUEENSLAND - community discussion, gathering concensus
ACAQ (Australian Climbing Assosciation Qld Inc) group on Facebook (keeping in mind this forum is visible by land managers)

QUEENSLAND - reporting bad bolts, suggesting work to be done
Use our online form here which posts directly into our database

QUEENSLAND - donations, updates for the rebolted routes database, reimbursements for rebolting expenses (we have a reimbursements info sheet we will share with you)
Message Lee Cujes on Facebook Messenger